Press Release

Global Cleanup Programme to Increase Recycling Literacy Launches in Singapore

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Clean4Change by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste aims to activate recycling habits through sustained community action

SINGAPORE, 20 APRIL 2021 - Ending plastic waste in the environment is a complex challenge. To inspire people towards playing a part in this mission, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (Alliance) launches Clean4Change—a 150-day global cleanup programme to enable sustained community action to end plastic waste. The initiative aims to improve recycling literacy, starting with Singapore. Guest-of-honour Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, attended the programme launch today.

From now till World Cleanup Day on September 18, Clean4Change will engage individuals, grassroots groups, schools and companies in Singapore and overseas through a combination of cleanup activities, community events, and workshops. Participants will be able to access educational resources on topics including guides on reducing plastic waste, recycling and how to activate cleanups. They can also tap on technology to help measure and track their cleanup efforts. For example, programme participants can choose to use Litterati, a mobile application that allows users to log where and what type of litter they collect.

Recycling is a key element to reduce the amount of waste per capita per day sent to landfill in Singapore. It also enables the recovery of precious resource and the unlocking of value from plastic waste. Yet, figures from the National Environment Agency show that over half of Singaporeans engage in recycling but do not have a strong knowledge of what can be recycled or how to dispose of recyclables properly.

“We all agree that recycling is important but to create a recycling movement among citizens, the easiest route is to find a way to make recycling relatable. Getting people to relate with a cleanup in their neighbourhood opens the door to helping them understand how to better manage plastic waste,” said Dr Natalie Hallinger, Director of Behavioural Science at Litterati.

“Society typically focuses on waste management and recycling systems, materials standards, business models and supply chains. These are important but for a true green economy to succeed in Singapore, consumers play an equally important role to embrace the behaviours needed to ensure the waste we generate moves through these systems as planned. Inspiring such habits is the aim of the Clean4Change programme,” said Jacob Duer, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Alliance.

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April 20, 2021