Press Release

The Alliance is a Proud Advisory Council Member for the Plastics Data Challenge

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January 13, 2020

The Alliance is a proud Advisory Council Member for the Plastics Data Challenge by The Incubation Network which is a global innovation challenge to end ocean plastic pollution. The challenge will source, support and scale innovative solutions, methodologies and working prototypes that create and leverage data to address the leakage of plastic waste into the environment and to facilitate the entry of these solutions into markets across South and Southeast Asia.

Each year, about 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enter our oceans, 60% of which is estimated to be the result of mismanaged waste from just five countries in Asia. To end this crisis, it is urgent that we improve plastic waste management systems on land across the region.

The Incubation Network by The Circulate Initiative and SecondMuse is building a thriving circular economy by developing, promoting and incubating innovative technologies, business models and entrepreneurs that prevent ocean plastic pollution in South and Southeast Asia. The initiative will create a connected network of innovators, investors, civil society organizations and government leaders across South and Southeast Asia. Collectively, they will design and deliver programs that drive investment, innovation and partnerships for inclusive and gender-responsive waste management and circular economy solutions.

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