
Progress Report - Advancing Circularity: Solutions for Change

In 2023, the Alliance accelerated its work in advancing circularity — testing and evolving solutions that are scalable and replicable.​

Ending plastic waste is a challenge that requires systems change on a global scale

Our vision is ending plastic waste, and our purpose is leading the creation of a circular economy for plastic. In the past year, the Alliance and its partners have collectively accelerated our efforts to advance circularity through testing and evolving solutions that can be deployed and scaled across the globe.

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Ending plastic waste is a challenge that requires systems change on a global scale

Our vision is ending plastic waste, and our purpose is leading the creation of a circular economy for plastic. In the past year, the Alliance and its partners have collectively accelerated our efforts to advance circularity through testing and evolving solutions that can be deployed and scaled across the globe.

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Advancing circularity hinges on the collaboration of governments, businesses, civil society, financial institutions, academia, and communities, both globally and locally.  We convene stakeholders in the plastic circularity ecosystem through trusted engagement and dialogue. This allows us to scale the benefits of our work across value chains, partners and local communities.

Catalysing Capital

An estimated USD$2.1 trillion is needed by 2040 to eliminate plastic leakage into the environment. We believe the key is to unlock new pathways to catalyse capital through financial innovation and blended finance solutions.​

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Equity and Informal Sector

Despite their essential role in waste management for many emerging economies, informal workers often work under hazardous conditions. Our projects and engagements with partners seek to improve their livelihoods and working conditions.

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Equity and Informal Sector

Despite their essential role in waste management for many emerging economies, informal workers often work under hazardous conditions. Our projects and engagements with partners seek to improve their livelihoods and working conditions.

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Test-bedding solution models

Paving Green Roads in Asia

In the absence of more circular solutions, can plastic waste be a useful material for asphalt roads? Across Asia, universities and research institutes are paving the way for difficult-to-recycle plastics to be added to asphalt roads.

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Plastic Cycle in Vietnam

Over 90% of plastic waste in Vietnam are collected by informal waste pickers. Despite their crucial role, they often operate without any significant support. Read about the project aimed at improving their income and working conditions.​

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Let's Transform in India

Let's Transform is changing the lives of informal waste pickers in India and giving them opportunities to be aspiring entrepreneurs. The initiative is building an ethical supply chain and improving lives and livelihoods — all while diverting low-value plastics from landfills and water bodies.​

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The JingSu Initiative in China

The JingSu initiative takes on Suzhou’s mountain of take-out trash, directing food and beverage waste towards over 300 collection points. Their goal is to divert plastic waste away from the Yangtze River and to material recovery facilities to be recycled.​

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RESIN8 in South Africa

At the Center for Regenerative Design and Collaboration (CRDC Global), plastic waste is regenerated into a high-value construction material, RESIN8. Read about their concrete solution to the plastic waste problem.

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Inkwazi Isu in South Africa

In a country where waste management resources are scarce, Inkwazi Isu aims to build the capabilities of sorting and aggregation facilities while educating the community, and facilitating clean-ups. Find out how they're keeping Durban's rivers and beaches clean.​

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Mr Green Africa in Kenya

Scaling community-based plastic waste collection, the project aims to enhance recycling capabilities in the region by turning the collected waste into feedstock. Read about how they're rallying the community to create value out of plastic waste.​

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BVrio in Brazil

Taking on a collaborative approach, the initiative provides pick-up services for waste pickers to tap on, instead of carrying the waste they collect on foot or bicycles. At the tap of a button, they can arrange for trucks to collect and drop off to a waste cooperative for sorting and recycling. Read about their cooperative approach to dealing with plastic waste.​

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